Plumb-lines Part 2

God has created a world with all sorts of diversity.  Within humanity, that diversity can be seen in gender, race, personality, culture, giftedness, age and experience.  God meant that diversity for good, and He delights in the different contributions all of these...


When I embarked upon the study of the roles of men and women in Scripture in 1984, I had a couple of concerns in view.  First, I felt acutely my own resistance to biblical submission as I had been taught. I was having personal difficulty with submission to my husband....

For the New Year

We are grateful for those of you who have been reading and commenting and sharing our posts.  As we turn to the New Year, Ruth and I would love your input on our topics.  We plan to write more extensively on issues of Christian womanhood.  That will take us into...

Joy to the World!

When I was young, my siblings and I each had chores.  Mine was to clean the bathroom.  Once a week,  I transformed our scuzzy bathroom into sweet smelling cleanliness again. At least that is how I remember it.  I probably was not quite as effective in my work as I...