The Unifying Authority of God’s Word

At present, I read or listen almost daily to something on the topic of racial justice. By God’s grace, I was confronted about a year ago by a Black sister. She pointed out that the present crisis of racial injustice warranted an “all hands on deck” type of focus among...

Corrosive Comparisons – Corona #4

One thing I have tried to do during Covid19 is sort the stuff in my home.  This has NOT been a disciplined endeavor!  But, I have embarked on a project:  Shred After Reading!  I am reading my old journals with the intent to shred them.   I have long realized that I...

Let the Little Children…

In writing this post, my hope is that our readers will be encouraged to view serving and teaching women and children as a noble task. I also hope that those who are currently serving as teachers of women and children will be inspired by some of the people who have...

Corona #3

I had different plans for my next post.  But I am struggling with lethargy during these weeks in quarantine.  So I procrastinated. . .  and then last week a bunch of things happened.  Chief among them was the emergence on public media of a video of the killing of...