I am long overdue to introduce a new writer/editor on our blog – Lynda!  Lynda has been my friend since her college years and we also reconnected in our seminary days.  She already edited my most recent post.  She wrote the following to tell a bit about herself:

I am 49 years old, married with three daughters. God called me to become a Christian in college, after drawing me to Him through the promises of His redemptive love in Isaiah and the Psalms and the poetry of T. S. Eliot.  The question I was challenged with the most when I first shared my faith was, “How can you be a woman and believe in the Bible?” 

I am a poet and literary critic.  I also have a MA in Biblical Counseling, and served on staff as Director of Women’s Ministry at an Anglican church in Manhattan for nine years.  I feel called to advocate for women, and to help and equip them to grow in their knowledge that Jesus is with them, whatever their struggles.