Cold Showers
Several years ago, my husband, Bill, saw an article on improving one’s immune system and general health with some daily deep breathing exercises and cold showers. (This is probably related to the practice of “cold plunges,” but it’s not the same.) The breathing...
Revising My Post on 1 Corinthians 11:2-16
I have been thinking of revising this post for some time, because I have learned more since I last wrote. I could have simply replaced the old post with the new, but I thought it might be better to admit I am dissatisfied with what I published previously by posting a...
Book Report #2
This is the second in my series of posts about books I am reading this year. As a reminder, I am trying to read a book a week. Thus far I have been reading for 13 weeks. I am using these posts to report on my...
Welcoming Jocelyn Russell Wallace to Renewing Eve!
You may have noticed that there are long periods of time between our blog posts. That is because both Ruth and I are busy and we don’t always have time to write or to edit one another’s posts. We are committed to editing each other’s writing, because we have seen in...
Book Reports!
As many of you know, I am a campus minister. As such, I still pace my life and divide my seasons by the academic calendar. Since I’m on the academic calendar I usually have a few weeks off around the beginning of a new year. The turn of the new year always spurs me...
Beauty Part 4
I am writing a short series on Beauty. In my last post I talked about eating and fitness. In the next two posts, I will write about two problems - my belief that I was ugly and the narrow definition of “biblical” womanhood - which created stumbling blocks to faith...