Renewing Eve

Finding Life and Hope for Women in God’s Word

Getting Our American History Straight

Before I write any further about living justly, I want to take the time to post some resources on American history. I know it is a bit of a trend to post these types of resources, but Ruth and I would like to add some of our own suggestions to your (hopefully growing)...

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Made to Work

I wanted to say here at the beginning of this post that some of our readers have commented that Ruth is not presently writing for our blog.  Ruth and I are in different stages of life, so I have more time to write posts.  But Ruth is very active in editing all of the...

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One Human Race

This is the first post in my series inspired by my readings on racial justice. Here, I’d like to discuss the equality of all people from a biblical perspective. There are certain basic beliefs which underlie much of Christian doctrine and practice. They are simple...

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The Unifying Authority of God’s Word

At present, I read or listen almost daily to something on the topic of racial justice. By God’s grace, I was confronted about a year ago by a Black sister. She pointed out that the present crisis of racial injustice warranted an “all hands on deck” type of focus among...

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Corrosive Comparisons – Corona #4

One thing I have tried to do during Covid19 is sort the stuff in my home.  This has NOT been a disciplined endeavor!  But, I have embarked on a project:  Shred After Reading!  I am reading my old journals with the intent to shred them.   I have long realized that I...

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