You may have noticed that there are long periods of time between our blog posts. That is because both Ruth and I are busy and we don’t always have time to write or to edit one another’s posts. We are committed to editing each other’s writing, because we have seen in the world of publishing and speaking that even well-meaning, godly writers and speakers sometimes say or write things they wish later that they could retract. So it sometimes takes a while for things to become ready for posting.
Because of this, we have asked Jocelyn Russell Wallace to work with us and to join our blogging team! We are very excited about the wisdom and perspective that Jocelyn brings to our team. I have known her since 1985 as a member of the Princeton Christian Fellowship (formerly the Princeton Evangelical Fellowship), but I really got to know her well when we both began our studies at Westminster Theological Seminary in 2005. Over the course of the pandemic, we began to talk more regularly. She has blessed my life! I introduced her to Ruth early this year.
Jocelyn lives in Philadelphia with her husband. She is a business professor and earned an MBA at The Wharton School at Penn, and an MAR and PhD in church history at Westminster Theological Seminary. She serves on the board of the Abington Arts Center. She enjoys gardening, home renovating and cooking healthy nutritious recipes!
We are looking forward to the wisdom she brings to Renewing Eve!